Tagged: intro to lit

The Missionary by Charlotte Brontë

The Missionary by Charlotte Brontë               Plough, vessel, plough the British main, Seek the free ocean’s wider plain; Leave English scenes and English skies, Unbind, dissever English ties;...

The Letter by Charlotte Brontë

The Letter by Charlotte Brontë                 What is she writing? Watch her now, How fast her fingers move! How eagerly her youthful brow Is bent in thought...

Evening Solace by Charlotte Brontë

Evening Solace by Charlotte Brontë The human heart has hidden treasures, In secret kept, in silence sealed;- The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures, Whose charms were broken if revealed. And days may...

Charles Lamb Index

Charles Lamb and his sister Mary Lamb wrote shorter versions of many classic tales, some of which are assigned in EIL as introductions to the full-length original classics.

Thomas Bulfinch

Pygmalion and Galatea by Thomas Bulfinch

Legend of Pygmalion and Galatea as told by Thomas Bulfinch [This version of the text comes from Bulfinch’s Mythology: The Age of Fable, by Thomas Bulfinch, revised by Rev. E. E. Hale.] Pygmalion saw...

Browning by Elliott and Fry

Caliban upon Setebos by Robert Browning

CALIBAN UPON SETEBOS OR, NATURAL THEOLOGY IN THE ISLAND by Robert Browning from Browning’s Shorter Poems: Selected and Edited by Franklin Baker, Professor of English in Teachers College, Columbia University. Fourth edition, The Macmillan...

Eudora Welty in 1962

Dramatization of Eudora Welty’s A Worn Path

Eudora Welty’s short story, A Worn Path, is wonderful in text form, but sometimes it’s interesting to experience such stories in other mediums. This dramatization may help you to visualize what happens. Of course,...

John William Waterhouse (1849–1917) Blue pencil.svg wikidata:Q212754 John William Waterhouse: Miranda Title English: Miranda, a character in "The Tempest", a play by William Shakespeare.

The Tempest by Charles and Mary Lamb

Charles Lamb and his sister Mary Lamb wrote shorter versions of many classic tales, many of which appear in their work Tales from Shakespeare, some of which are referenced as introductions to the full-length...

G. K. Chesterton, as photographed by E. H. Mills.

Stevenson by G. K. Chesterton

Stevenson (from Twelve Types [a Collection of Biographies]) A brief biography of Robert Louis Stevenson. By G. K. Chesterton A recent incident has finally convinced us that Stevenson was, as we suspected, a great...

G. B. Shaw’s Reception of Don Giovanni

Scholars have long recognized the importance of structural aspects of Mozart’s music on George Bernard Shaw’s dramas. Here is the text of a talk given by Gareth Cox, a leading authority on Shaw.

The wild and beautiful Haworth landscape was treasured by the Brontë sisters.

Jane Eyre’s Three Paintings

Jane Eyre’s Three Paintings: Biblical Warnings & Greek Legends By Peter Bolt, English Department, North East Worchester College [England] Charlotte Brontë’s ability to use her encyclopaedic knowledge of the Bible first appears in her...

In the Year 2889 by Jules Verne

In the Year 2889 By Jules Verne Edited by Blake Linton Editor’s Notes by Blake Linton In 1885, James Gordon Bennett, Jr., owner of the New York Herald (the same man who sent Stanley...

Jules Verne at Home (1894 Interview)

Jules Verne at Home: His Own Account of His Life and Work Reported by R. H. Sherard in McClure’s Magazine, January 1894 Edited to HTML by Zvi Har’El “The great regret of my life is...