Caesar artwork
These works of art may help you visualize the setting and characters of Julius Caesar. Click on an image to see it in a larger size.

The Death of Caesar, 1859-1867, Jean-Léon Gérôme
The Walters Art Museum
Acquired by Henry Walters, 1917 (37.884)

Julius Caesar, commissioned in 1696, Nicolas Coustou
Louvre Museum, from the gardens of the Tuileries, 1872 (MR 1798)
Photograph by Marie-Lan Nguyen, 2006, Wikimedia Commons

Julius Caesar and Attendants, c. 1400-1410, from the Nine Heroes Tapestries
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of John D. Rockfeller Jr., 1947 (47.101.3)
Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art; used with permission.