Buy Excellence in Literature Curriculum
You can read all about the Excellence in Literature curriculum and Handbook for Writers at Everyday Education shop, but if you already know which study guide you want, you can click here to buy...
Bookstore / EIL Curriculum / Excellence in Literature: The Curriculum
by Janice Campbell · Published June 4, 2020
You can read all about the Excellence in Literature curriculum and Handbook for Writers at Everyday Education shop, but if you already know which study guide you want, you can click here to buy...
While writing the Excellence in Literature curriculum, I had a choice in how to structure it. Should I write a large textbook with lengthy, encyclopedia-style entries for each of the context resources? Or would...
In choosing curriculum, do you want a Christian worldview or Christian content? Excellence in Literature is written from a Christian worldview, but it does not focus on explicitly Christian content, for reasons explained here.
Audio / Video / EIL Curriculum
by EILeditor · Published September 16, 2013 · Last modified September 10, 2019
Here are lists of the videos referenced in the EIL curriculum, organized by level. Introduction to Literature videos Literature and Composition videos American Literature videos British Literature videos World Literature videos
by EILeditor · Published August 7, 2013 · Last modified September 13, 2020
Here are the updates that have happened since the most recent release of the EIL curriculum: due to the ever-changing nature of the Internet, online resources often move unexpectedly to new addresses. Here you’ll...
Here’s the Everyday Educator — our annual newsletter handout. It has book lists and helpful articles about homeschooling topics. We’d rather be sharing it in person, but for now, you can download the Everyday Educator here. I hope you enjoy it!