Category: E2-Resources

The Jumblies by Edward Lear

THE JUMBLIES by Edward Lear I. They went to sea in a Sieve, they did, In a Sieve they went to sea: In spite of all their friends could say, On a winter’s morn,...

Boaz Asleep by Victor Hugo

BOAZ ASLEEP (“Booz s’était couché.”) by Victor Hugo Translation by BP. ALEXANDER [original French is below the English] from Hugo’s volume of poems, La Légende des siècles collected in Poems by Victor Hugo, 1888...

Willa Cather Letters

You may learn about Willa Cather’s letters in this video from the University of Nebraska. If you prefer to read the letters, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has an online collection of over 1400 letters....

Shadowlands trailer

The story of C. S. Lewis and Joy Davidman Gresham is told in Shadowlands, a 1993 movie with Anthony Hopkins as Lewis. You may read a brief review on the Decent Films Guide website,...

Introduction to Medieval Music by Cynthia Cyrus

Introduction to Medieval Music Cynthia J. Cyrus Last modified on June 18, 2003 Introduction The medieval musical experience is impossible to recapture, for most of the music of daily life is lost to us....

Level 2 Resource Updates

Literature and Composition Updates Due to the ever-changing nature of the Internet, online resources often move unexpectedly to new addresses. Here are the most recent updates for Level 2: Literature and Composition. Module 1...

Caesar artwork

These works of art may help you visualize the setting and characters of Julius Caesar. Click on an image to see it in a larger size.

The White Ship by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Victorian Art

During the the reign of Queen Victoria (1837–1901), a distinctive style of art emerged. Known as Victorian art, it reflected the idea that the role of art was to reflect the world, not to...

Self portrait by Raphael.

Art in Death Comes for the Archbishop

Artists mentioned Death Comes for the Archbishop include El Greco, Raphael, Titian, Jean-Georges Vibert, and Henri Fantin-Latour. If you own a copy of The Annotated Mona Lisa, study the work of these artists. If...

Robinson Crusoe 1927 Silent Film

Robinson Crusoe is a British silent film from 1927. The movie is based on the 1719 novel, Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, and features a shipwrecked man who lived for 28 years on a seemingly...

Honors Texts for Literature and Composition

Honors Texts for Literature and Composition (E2) The Honors Track for Literature and Composition involves additional reading and writing, which is described in the study guide. Another way you can use the honors texts is if you’ve already read...

Literature and Composition Videos

Videos referenced in Literature and Composition (E2) Module 1 1927 silent film of Robinson Crusoe Theme Music from the 1970s TV show The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe Robinson Crusoe Opera Excerpt Module 2 Walden...

Texts for Literature and Composition

English II: Literature and Composition What does Literature and Composition cover? Literature and Composition is a college-preparatory literature and composition course. Focus works, including novels, short stories, poems, and drama, have been selected for...

Edwin Arlington Robinson, author of Mr. Flood's Party.

Mr Flood’s Party by Edwin Arlington Robinson

In Mr. Flood’s Party, a rhyming narrative poem, Edwin Arlington Robinson tells the story of lonely old Eben Flood and his solitary “party.” Mr. Flood’s Party by Edwin Arlington Robinson Old Eben Flood, climbing...

Amy Lowell Poetry

Poetry by Amy Lowell Amy Lowell (1874-1925) was a poet who, like Willa Cather, beautifully captured the mood of a specific time and place. We have referenced the following four poems by Amy Lowell...

The Garden by Moonlight by Amy Lowell

The Garden by Moonlight by Amy Lowell A black cat among roses, Phlox, lilac-misted under a first-quarter moon, The sweet smells of heliotrope and night-scented stock. The garden is very still, It is dazed...

Bath from Spring Day by Amy Lowell

Bath by Amy Lowell From the poem “Spring Day” in Men, Women, and Ghosts (1916) Bath The day is fresh-washed and fair, and there is a smell of tulips and narcissus in the air....

A London Thoroughfare 2 AM by Amy Lowell

A London Thoroughfare. 2 A.M. by Amy Lowell From Sword Blades and Poppy Seed (1914). They have watered the street, It shines in the glare of lamps, Cold, white lamps, And lies Like a...

The Tree by Anne Finch

The Tree by Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea (1661-1720) 1 Fair tree! for thy delightful shade 2 ‘Tis just that some return be made; 3 Sure some return is due from me 4 To...

The Hind and the Panther by John Dryden

John Dryden Poetry

John Dryden Poetry John Dryden is a Neo-Classical poet, playwright, satirist, and literary critic. Along with John Donne and John Milton, he is considered one of the three greatest poets of the 17th century....

Alexander’s Feast by John Dryden

ALEXANDER’S FEAST; OR, THE POWER OF MUSIC. AN ODE, IN HONOUR OF ST CECILIA’S DAY by John Dryden 1 ‘Twas at the royal feast, for Persia won By Philip’s warlike son: Aloft in awful...

Veni Creator Spiritus by John Dryden

VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS, PARAPHRASED by John Dryden CREATOR SPIRIT, by whose aid The world’s foundations first were laid, Come, visit every pious mind; Come, pour thy joys on human kind; From sin and sorrow...

Introduction to American Romanticism by Ann Woodlief

American Romanticism (or the American Renaissance) An Introduction by Dr. Ann Woodlief For many years, this period and these writers were known as the American Renaissance, a coin termed by F.O. Matthiessen in his...