Category: Excellence in Literature: The Curriculum

Alexander’s Feast by John Dryden

ALEXANDER’S FEAST; OR, THE POWER OF MUSIC. AN ODE, IN HONOUR OF ST CECILIA’S DAY by John Dryden 1 ‘Twas at the royal feast, for Persia won By Philip’s warlike son: Aloft in awful...

Veni Creator Spiritus by John Dryden

VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS, PARAPHRASED by John Dryden CREATOR SPIRIT, by whose aid The world’s foundations first were laid, Come, visit every pious mind; Come, pour thy joys on human kind; From sin and sorrow...

Jennie Clemen's Grave, by Herbert Rickards

To Jennie by Mark Twain

To Jennie by Mark Twain EIL Editor’s note: Written upon the death of his niece, Jennie Clemens, To Jennie is Twain at his most somber. The only child of his brother Orion, Jennie was...

Mark Twain, American Humorist

Genius by Mark Twain

Genius by Mark Twain EIL Editor’s note: Twain at his most satirical, Genius is a biting mockery of not only the eccentric poetic stereotype but the tendency of critics to evaluate work based on...

Mark Twain; from a glass negative

Ode to Stephen Dowling Bots by Mark Twain

Ode To Stephen Dowling Bots, Dec’d by Mark Twain EIL Editior’s note: Originally appearing in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as a work by Emmaline Grangerford (a caricature of Twain’s contemporary Julia A. Moore),...

Those Annual Bills by Mark Twain

THOSE ANNUAL BILLS BY MARK TWAIN EIL Editor’s note: Never one to shy away from social commentary or criticism, Twain’s Those Annual Bills is a semi-comical lament of the financial necessities of existence which is...

The Aged Pilot Man by Mark Twain

THE AGED PILOT MAN by Mark Twain EIL Editor’s note: Being serious for once, Twain penned The Aged Pilot Man as an ode to the steamboat captains with whom he lived and worked. Taking place...

Mark Twain, American Humorist

A Sweltering Day in Australia by Mark Twain

A SWELTERING DAY IN AUSTRALIA by Mark Twain EIL Editor’s note: A whimsical exploration of Australian geography and nomenclature, Twain’s A Sweltering Day in Australia is poking fun at both linguistic differences and at...

Out of Africa soundtrack music

The soundtrack for the film Out of Africa has beautiful and evocative music. Get it from your library or bookstore and listen to it as you study. You can listen to an excerpt in...

Faust Silent Movie 1926

The entire 1926 movie of Goethe’s Faust is available with English subtitles on YouTube. This is a silent film, with music composed and conducted by Timothy Brock and performed by the Olympia Chamber Orchestra....

Faust Opera Performance Video Excerpt

This is an old black and white film clip of Faust, a melodramatic performance of Faust – A German Folktale. The images and characters may be disturbing, so these clips are totally optional. You...

Schumann Faust Overture Music

Scenes from Goethe’s Faust (Szenen aus Goethes Faust), a musical-theatrical work by composer Robert Schumann, is considered one of Schumann’s most moving works. This three-part composition suggests the struggle between good and evil at...

The Damnation of Faust by Berlioz

French Romantic composer and conductor Hector Berlioz was inspired by Goethe’s Faust to compose “The Damnation of Faust,” a free-form oratorio or opera (Berlioz ultimately called it a “légende dramatique”). It is most often heard in...

Liszt’s Faust Symphony

Franz Liszt wrote a beautiful Faust Symphony with three movements. The first is “Faust,” the second is “Gretchen,” and the third is “Méphistofélès.” Be sure to note the way each character’s theme reflects his...

Goethe’s Faust Read Aloud Video Excerpt

Listen to a bit of Goethe’s Faust in the original German. It’s always useful to know the sound and cadence of other languages. This video shows a few vintage illustrations. Other World Literature (E5)...

Video of Leo Tolstoy

This brief video clip features footage from the life of Count Leo Tolstoy, author of War and Peace, Anna Karenina, and more. The narration starts off with a brief mention of Vincent Van Gogh,...

Ancient Greek Music Macedonia

The Music of Ancient Greece Music is a significant aspect of Hellenic culture, both within Greece and in the diaspora, and the music of Greece is as diverse and celebrated as its history. Greek...

Mark Twain; from a glass negative

Mark Twain Images

With his luxuriant mustache and insouciant air, Mark Twain looked just like what he was—a satirically humorous creative author. These images, mostly from the Library of Congress, offer a glimpse of Twain and his...

Lord Byron rose above a difficult childhood to become a successful poet.

Lord Byron Poetry

George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824) was a Romantic writer who lead a dramatic life filled with passion, poetry, praise, and pitfalls. He traveled widely, wrote with intense emotion, and became famous after the publication...

Darkness by George Gordon Lord Byron

Darkness (1816) by George Gordon Lord Byron The year [1816] that the poem was written was known as the Year Without a Summer– this is because Mount Tambora had erupted in the Dutch East...

Prometheus by George Gordon Lord Byron

Prometheus by George Gordon, Lord Byron Titan! to whose immortal eyes The sufferings of mortality, Seen in their sad reality, Were not as things that gods despise; What was thy pity’s recompense? A silent...

William Blake Poetry

William Blake Poetry William Blake (1757-1827) was a British Romantic poet and painter. He is most well known for his Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience; his own engravings illustrated these and many...

The Echoing Green by William Blake

The Ecchoing Green by William Blake

“The Ecchoing Green” was first published in 1789 as part of William Blake’s Songs of Innocence. This happy poem depicts children playing in the green space of a town, evoking happy memories for the older...

A Divine Image by William Blake

A Divine Image by William Blake Cruelty has a human heart, And Jealousy a human face; Terror the human form divine, And Secresy the human dress. The human dress is forged iron, The human...