Category: Excellence in Literature: The Curriculum

Hope by Emily Dickinson

Hope Emily Dickinson Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune–without the words, And never stops at all,   And sweetest in the gale is heard; And...

Poetry by Emily Dickinson

Poems by Emily Dickinson Here is an index to the pages for the Emily Dickinson poems referenced in American Literature (EIL3), plus a few additional favorites. “The Soul selects her own Society” “There is...

Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse, 1881-1975

Sir Agravaine by P G Wodehouse

Sir Agravaine by P G Wodehouse A Tale of King Arthur’s Round Table Some time ago, when spending a delightful week-end at the ancestral castle of my dear old friend, the Duke of Weatherstonhope...

George Bernard Shaw, playwright

How to Write a Popular Play by G. Bernard Shaw

How to Write a Popular Play by George Bernard Shaw This essay was originally published by George Bernard Shaw in his Preface to Three Plays by Brieux (New York: Brentano’s, 1911), pp. xxii-xxvii [which...

Introduction to American Romanticism by Ann Woodlief

American Romanticism (or the American Renaissance) An Introduction by Dr. Ann Woodlief For many years, this period and these writers were known as the American Renaissance, a coin termed by F.O. Matthiessen in his...

Thomas Bulfinch

Pygmalion and Galatea by Thomas Bulfinch

Legend of Pygmalion and Galatea as told by Thomas Bulfinch [This version of the text comes from Bulfinch’s Mythology: The Age of Fable, by Thomas Bulfinch, revised by Rev. E. E. Hale.] Pygmalion saw...

My Last Duchess by Robert Browning

My Last Duchess by Robert Browning [This poem comes from Browning’s Shorter Poems, edited by Franklin Baker, published in 1917 and now in the public domain. Mr. Baker’s introductory and line notes are included...

Browning by Elliott and Fry

Caliban upon Setebos by Robert Browning

CALIBAN UPON SETEBOS OR, NATURAL THEOLOGY IN THE ISLAND by Robert Browning from Browning’s Shorter Poems: Selected and Edited by Franklin Baker, Professor of English in Teachers College, Columbia University. Fourth edition, The Macmillan...

Virgil biography illustration from a mosaic.

Virgil Biography

The Life of Vergil by Suetonius This public domain text of The Life of Virgil by C. Suetonius Tranquillus was originally published in the Loeb Classical Library in 1914. References to notes in the Loeb...

Lepanto by G K Chesterton

LEPANTO by G. K. Chesterton White founts falling in the Courts of the sun, And the Soldan of Byzantium is smiling as they run; There is laughter like the fountains in that face of...

Eudora Welty in 1962

Dramatization of Eudora Welty’s A Worn Path

Eudora Welty’s short story, A Worn Path, is wonderful in text form, but sometimes it’s interesting to experience such stories in other mediums. This dramatization may help you to visualize what happens. Of course,...

If – poem by Rudyard Kipling

Written in the form of advice from a father to a son, the poem “If—”, by British author Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936) reflects Victorian-era ideals of courage, honor, strength, and manliness. IF- Rudyard Kipling (1910)...

1952 film The Importance of Being Earnest clip

Enjoy these clips from the 1952 film of Oscar Wilde’s play, “The Importance of Being Earnest,” starring Dame Edith Evans (Lady Bracknell), Michael Redgrace (Jack Worthing), Joan Greenwood (Gwendolyn), Michael Denison (Algernon), and Dorothy...

De Profundis by Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde’s De Profundis is the lengthy letter he wrote from prison. He begins, “Suffering is one very long moment. We cannot divide it by seasons. We can only record its moods, and chronicle their return.”

Animated Bayeux Tapestry video

Watch the story of the Norman Conquest unfold in this four minute animated video of part of the Bayeux Tapestry. Don’t miss this! Other Literature and Composition (E2) videos

Ivory Consort Medieval Music videos

The Ivory Consort is a contemporary musical group dedicated to the authentic performance of medieval music. Be sure to notice the interesting instruments they’re playing. Other Literature and Composition (E2) videos

Mark Antony’s Funeral Oration Video

Mark Antony – Funeral Oration from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar (Act III, Scene II) Performed by Nick Baldasare “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears . . .”. Is there anyone who hasn’t heard Mark...

OperaTalk on Handel’s Julius Caesar in Egypt

George Frideric Handel wrote the opera, Julius Caesar in Egypt. You can hear San Diego OperaTalk’s Nick Reveles discuss the opera, Handel, baroque opera, and musical ornamentation in an interesting episode of San Diego...

Hollow Men Music

This recording of Vincent Persichetti’s composition, “The Hollow Men, for trumpet & string orchestra, Op. 25” evokes the dark mood of both Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and T. S. Eliot’s poem “The Hollow...