Category: Poetry

Alexander Pope

Solitude An Ode by Alexander Pope

Solitude: An Ode by Alexander Pope     I How happy he, who free from care The rage of courts, and noise of towns; Contented breaths his native air, In his own grounds. II...

James Russell Lowell - American Poet

James Russell Lowell Biography (1911)

Family history and childhood Early work and romance Literature, reform, and family life The Biglow Papers Family tragedies Teaching and traveling The Atlantic Monthly Work abroad End of life Overview of writings and influence...

Elizabeth Barrett Browning, English poet

Elizabeth Barrett Browning Biography (1911)

Family history and upbringing Meeting other poets Health troubles Praise and correspondence Browning’s courtship A secret wedding Published poetry Politics and posterity “God took her” Overview of married life and poetry Sources Family history...

Robert Browning Biography (1911)

Robert Browning Biography Family background Early career & personality First major poems (Paracelsus and Sordello) Dramatic works Expanding poetic repertoire Marriage Browning’s masterpiece: The Ring and the Book Growing fame Later writings Beliefs (religious...

Fable for Critics Poe to Lowell

A Fable for Critics [Poe to Lowell] by James Russell Lowell Famous writers mentioned in this section—click on the name to move to that part of the poem: Edgar Allan Poe: a writer famous...

Fable for Critics Whittier to Cooper

A Fable for Critics [Whittier to Cooper] by James Russell Lowell Famous writers mentioned in this section—click on the name to move to that part of the poem: John Greenleaf Whittier: learn more about...

Fable for Critics Introduction

A Fable for Critics [Introduction] by James Russell Lowell Phoebus, sitting one day in a laurel-tree’s shade, Was reminded of Daphne, of whom it was made, For the god being one day too warm...

Fable for Critics Emerson to Bryant

A Fable for Critics [Emerson to Bryant] by James Russell Lowell Famous writers mentioned in this section—click on the name to move to that part of the poem: Ralph Waldo Emerson (learn more about...

Anne Bradstreet, Puritan poet of North America

The Prologue – A Poem by Anne Bradstreet

The Prologue A poem by Anne Bradstreet 1   To sing of Wars, of Captains, and of Kings, 2   Of Cities founded, Common-wealths begun, 3   For my mean Pen are too superior things; 4   Or...

The Four Ages of Man by Anne Bradstreet

The Four Ages of Man by Anne Bradstreet [Introduction] Childhood Youth Middle Age Old Age [Introduction] 1.1   Lo now! four other acts upon the stage, 1.2   Childhood, and Youth, the Manly, and Old-age. 1.3  ...

Contemplations by Anne Bradstreet

Contemplations by Anne Bradstreet 1   Sometime now past in the Autumnal Tide, 2   When Ph{oe}bus wanted but one hour to bed, 3   The trees all richly clad, yet void of pride, 4   Were gilded...

James Russell Lowell - American Poet

A Fable for Critics by James Russell Lowell

James Russell Lowell’s “A Fable for Critics” (1848) is a funny introduction to many of the nineteenth-century poets and writers. Since the entire poem is very long — it’s really a whole book —...

Anne Bradstreet Poetry

Anne Bradstreet poetry  Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672) was one of the first American poets, and her life and work evoke a vivid picture of Colonial America and reflect her Puritan faith and love for her family....

The Author to Her Book by Anne Bradstreet

The Author to Her Book By Anne Bradstreet 1   Thou ill-form’d offspring of my feeble brain, 2   Who after birth did’st by my side remain, 3   Till snatcht from thence by friends, less wise...

The Jumblies by Edward Lear

THE JUMBLIES by Edward Lear I. They went to sea in a Sieve, they did, In a Sieve they went to sea: In spite of all their friends could say, On a winter’s morn,...

Victor Hugo Resources

Victor Hugo (1802-1885) was a beloved and enduring French novelist, playwright, and poet. His classic book Les Misérables inspired the stage musical of the same name. Learn more about Victor Hugo and his work...

Boaz Asleep by Victor Hugo

BOAZ ASLEEP (“Booz s’était couché.”) by Victor Hugo Translation by BP. ALEXANDER [original French is below the English] from Hugo’s volume of poems, La Légende des siècles collected in Poems by Victor Hugo, 1888...

Victor Hugo Poem Read Aloud

Listen to one of Victor Hugo’s poems in French (Demain dès l’aube), read aloud by Lorenzo Diprossimo. If you want to read the English translation, it scrolls along the bottom–this is easiest to view...

The Haunted Oak by Paul Dunbar

THE HAUNTED OAK by Paul Laurence Dunbar Pray why are you so bare, so bare, Oh, bough of the old oak-tree; And why, when I go through the shade you throw, Runs a shudder...

Lycidas by John Milton

English poet John Milton wrote this pastoral elegy in mourning for a childhood friend. It is saturated throughout with classical allusions, so it’s best to read it with a Dictionary of Allusions close at...