William Cullen Bryant Poems

William Cullen Bryant, photographed by Charles DeForest Fredricks, c. 1860. National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. Public domain.
Poems by American poet William Cullen Bryant:
“March” (5th poem on this page of March Poetry)
To read a humorous account of Bryant’s poetry, written by one of his peers, go to this page on our site (Fable for Critics).
William Cullen Bryant (November 3, 1794 – June 12, 1878) was an American romantic poet, journalist, and long-time editor of the New York Evening Post. Born in Massachusetts, he started his career as a lawyer but showed an interest in poetry early in his life. He soon relocated to New York and took up work as an editor at various newspapers. He became one of the most significant poets in early literary America and has been grouped among the fireside poets for his accessible, popular poetry.
If you’re in Massachusetts, you can visit the beautiful Bryant homestead!
To learn more about William Cullen Bryant’s life, you can read his biography from the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica, available here on our site.
When will you read this author’s writing in the Excellence in Literature curriculum? It’s featured in module 3.3.