John Dryden Poetry

John Dryden Poetry

John Dryden is a Neo-Classical poet, playwright, satirist, and literary critic. Along with John Donne and John Milton, he is considered one of the three greatest poets of the 17th century.

Dryden has been described as “the author in whose work the image of an age can be discerned” (Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. 1., 1786). Much of his poetry is political or religious in nature.

John Dryden was considered one of the greatest poets of the 17th century.

John Dryden, 1904, C. B. Beach
from The New Student’s Reference Work, 1914

These first two poems by John Dryden are referenced in Literature and Composition (EIL2), and the remaining selections are simply recommended reading.

“Veni Creator Spiritus”

“Alexander’s Feast”





The Hind and the Panther is a beautifully crafted poetic allegory or beast fable. You can read it at, or on our site, in three parts.

You may also wish to read a biography of John Dryden.



The Hind and the Panther by John Dryden