Robert Frost Resources
Robert Frost Resources
Robert Lee Frost (1874 – 1963) was a highly-regarded American poet known for realistic depictions of New England rural life as well as his use of American colloquial speech. His work used homespun themes to explore complex philosophical ideas. Frost received four Pulitzer Prizes and the Congressional Gold Medal for his work.

Robert Frost, World-Telegram photo by Walter Albertin, 1961.
LOC, LC-USZ62-120740
Video of Frost reciting his poem, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”
Frostiana: Seven Country Songs by Randall Thompson
A live concert recording featuring music by Randall Thompson, poetry by Robert Frost. Poems included:
1) The Road Not Taken
2) The Pasture
3) Come In
4) The Telephone
5) A Girl’s Garden
6) Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
7) Choose Something Like a Star
Performed by Harvard University Choir, Edward Elwyn Jones, conductor, Christian Lane, piano.
Frost’s 1940s lectures discovered in Dartmouth College archives
“Sometimes It Seems As If”: A Talk by Robert Frost October 23, 1947. From Literary Imagination (2008) 10 (1): 1-14 first published online February 16, 2008. (You may be able to access this entire article for free if your local library, college, or university has a subscription to this journal — check the catalog or ask your librarian to find out!)
We will be adding more Robert Frost resources and poetry soon.