Sara Selby Resources
Sara Selby has kindly shared the following resources with Excellence in Literature:
Emily Brontë: A Biographical Sketch
Wuthering Heights Family Trees
Versification [Verse Structure Patterns]
A Micro-History of the English Language

Bronte Falls and Bridge, by user
Colin Green. Taken at Bronte Falls near Haworth, West Yorkshire. March 9, 2014.
Creative Commons License
These materials are reprinted here for educational purposes, with the permission of the author who retains copyright to these works.
Sara Selby is currently the campus director of the Waycross campus of South Georgia State College and was a professor of English at Waycross College (GA). She holds a BA and MA in English from the University of Mississippi, where she also completed additional graduate studies in English. She is the Deep South regional representative for the American Chapters of the Brontë Society and publishes a quarterly newsletter for regional members.