Tagged: e1.8

English I: Introduction to Literature

Level 1 Resource Updates

Introduction to Literature Updates Due to the ever-changing nature of the Internet, online resources often move unexpectedly to new addresses. Here are the most recent updates for Level 1: Introduction to Literature. Module 1...

Charles Lamb Index

Charles Lamb and his sister Mary Lamb wrote shorter versions of many classic tales, some of which are assigned in EIL as introductions to the full-length original classics.

Browning by Elliott and Fry

Caliban upon Setebos by Robert Browning

CALIBAN UPON SETEBOS OR, NATURAL THEOLOGY IN THE ISLAND by Robert Browning from Browning’s Shorter Poems: Selected and Edited by Franklin Baker, Professor of English in Teachers College, Columbia University. Fourth edition, The Macmillan...

John William Waterhouse (1849–1917) Blue pencil.svg wikidata:Q212754 John William Waterhouse: Miranda Title English: Miranda, a character in "The Tempest", a play by William Shakespeare.

The Tempest by Charles and Mary Lamb

Charles Lamb and his sister Mary Lamb wrote shorter versions of many classic tales, many of which appear in their work Tales from Shakespeare, some of which are referenced as introductions to the full-length...