Tagged: eil

Memoir as post-modern biography

Memoir as Post-Modern History

The Memoir as Post Modern History by Paul Gregory Alms I have spent the last 4 or 5 weeks reading memoirs. I don’t know why I’ve done this. I started reading one and, being...

Aeneid Study Guide by William Johnson

Study Guide: The Aeneid By Dr. William A. Johnson, Professor of Classical Studies, Duke University Capsule Summary Book 1: Aeneas encounters a storm and is cast ashore at Carthage. Book 2: The hero tells...

Introduction to Medieval Music by Cynthia Cyrus

Introduction to Medieval Music Cynthia J. Cyrus Last modified on June 18, 2003 Introduction The medieval musical experience is impossible to recapture, for most of the music of daily life is lost to us....

The Haunted Oak by Paul Dunbar

THE HAUNTED OAK by Paul Laurence Dunbar Pray why are you so bare, so bare, Oh, bough of the old oak-tree; And why, when I go through the shade you throw, Runs a shudder...

Lycidas by John Milton

English poet John Milton wrote this pastoral elegy in mourning for a childhood friend. It is saturated throughout with classical allusions, so it’s best to read it with a Dictionary of Allusions close at...

On His Blindness - they also serve . . . who wait.

On His Blindness by John Milton

On His Blindness by John Milton When I consider how my light is spent Ere half my days in this dark world and wide, And that one talent which is death to hide Lodg’d...

Gratefulnesse by George Herbert

Gratefulnesse by George Herbert Thou that hast giv’n so much to me, Give one thing more, a gratefull heart. See how thy beggar works on thee By art. He makes thy gifts occasion more,...

Easter Wings by George Herbert 1633

Easter Wings by George Herbert

Easter Wings by George Herbert Easter Wings Lord, who createdst man in wealth and store, Though foolishly he lost the same, Decaying more and more, Till he became Most poore: With thee Oh let...

Renaissance Art

Renaissance art emerged as a distinct style in Italy in about AD 1400, along with developments in philosophy, literature, music, science and technology. Renaissance art, including painting, sculpture, and decorative arts, took as its foundation the...

Level 5 Resource Updates

World Literature Updates Due to the ever-changing nature of the Internet, online resources often move unexpectedly to new addresses. Here are the updates for Level 5: World Literature that have happened since the most...

Level E4 Resource Updates

British Literature Updates Due to the ever-changing nature of the Internet, online resources sometimes move unexpectedly to new addresses. Here are the most recent updates for Level 4: British Literature. Remember, you can always type...

Level 3 Resource Updates

American Literature Updates Due to the ever-changing nature of the Internet, online resources often move unexpectedly to new addresses. Here are the updates for Level 3: American Literature that have happened since the most...

Level 2 Resource Updates

Literature and Composition Updates Due to the ever-changing nature of the Internet, online resources often move unexpectedly to new addresses. Here are the most recent updates for Level 2: Literature and Composition. Module 1...

English I: Introduction to Literature

Level 1 Resource Updates

Introduction to Literature Updates Due to the ever-changing nature of the Internet, online resources often move unexpectedly to new addresses. Here are the most recent updates for Level 1: Introduction to Literature. Module 1...

Sara Selby Resources

Sara Selby has kindly shared the following resources with Excellence in Literature: Emily Brontë: A Biographical Sketch Wuthering Heights Family Trees Versification [Verse Structure Patterns] A Micro-History of the English Language *** These materials...

Caesar artwork

These works of art may help you visualize the setting and characters of Julius Caesar. Click on an image to see it in a larger size.

Good Bye by Emerson

GOOD-BYE by Ralph Waldo Emerson Good-bye, proud world! I’m going home: Thou art not my friend, and I’m not thine. Long through thy weary crowds I roam; A river-ark on the ocean brine, Long...

Literary Periods Chart

Excellence in Literature Chart of Literary Periods  Literary periods can be a useful clue to the style, purpose, and philosophy of a work of literature. Here is a brief downloadable chart with basic information...

The lily is beautiful, although its time on earth is limited, just like ours.

The Day’s Ration by Emerson

THE DAY’S RATION by Ralph Waldo Emerson When I was born, From all the seas of strength Fate filled a chalice, Saying, ‘This be thy portion, child; this chalice, Less than a lily’s, thou...

Concord Hymn by Emerson

CONCORD HYMN by Ralph Waldo Emerson SUNG AT THE COMPLETION OF THE BATTLE MONUMENT, JULY 4, 1837 By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled, Here once the...

Annabel Lee poem by Edgar Allan Poe

Annabel Lee is Edgar Allan Poe’s last complete poem, published after his death in 1849. Scholars have speculated that the poem was inspired by his wife, Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe, but there is no...

Faust from Goethe.

Faust Illustrations

Here are some Faust illustrations.     Faust and Mephistopheles in the Hartz Mountains, 1825-27 Eugène Delacroix: Mephistopheles in the Skies, an illustration from the first French translation of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Faust,...

Romantic Art

Here are some artworks from the Romantic era. How do these convey the same ideas you’re reading about? To see a larger image, click on the individual artwork below.

The White Ship by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Victorian Art

During the the reign of Queen Victoria (1837–1901), a distinctive style of art emerged. Known as Victorian art, it reflected the idea that the role of art was to reflect the world, not to...

Self portrait by Raphael.

Art in Death Comes for the Archbishop

Artists mentioned Death Comes for the Archbishop include El Greco, Raphael, Titian, Jean-Georges Vibert, and Henri Fantin-Latour. If you own a copy of The Annotated Mona Lisa, study the work of these artists. If...