Tagged: eil

Personal Narrative by Jonathan Edwards

Personal Narrative of Jonathan Edwards by Jonathan Edwards Jonathan Edwards’ own account of his early years and testimony to his own saving faith in Christ. I had a variety of concerns and exercises about my...

Roman Weapons Video

Conquest played a significant role in the creation of the Roman Empire. This was possible partly because the Roman military was a highly-disciplined and trained force, and their equipment was carefully planned and chosen....

Roman Water Wheel London Museum

The Romans made and used many helpful devices, some of which are similar to those still in use. In the video below, you can see a Roman water wheel constructed by The Museum of London...

The Hippopotamus by T S Eliot

The Hippopotamus by T. S. Eliot This odd little quatrain poem was written by Eliot before his conversion to the Christian faith. Similiter et omnes revereantur Diaconos, ut mandatum Jesu Christi; et Episcopum, ut...

God’s Grandeur by Gerard Manley Hopkins

God’s Grandeur by Gerard Manley Hopkins You may find it helpful to listen to Richard Austin’s excellent recitation of this poem. THE world is charged with the grandeur of God. It will flame out,...

Surprised by Joy by William Wordsworth

Surprised by Joy by William Wordsworth Surprised by joy, impatient as the wind, I turned to share the transport, — oh, with whom? But thee, deep buried in the silent tomb, That spot which...

Autumn bounty of pumpkins and gourds from Longwood Gardens By Sdwelch1031 (Own work) [CC-BY-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

To Autumn by John Keats

To Autumn by John Keats Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun Conspiring with him how to load and bless With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;...

Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert…Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered...

Arthurian Images by Pre Raphaelites

The Arthurian legends have been illustrated in many ways. A group of nineteenth-century artists known as the Pre-Raphaelites painted many romantic illustrations of Arthurian figures. Click on an image below to see it larger.

Nobody poem by Emily Dickinson

I’m Nobody! Who are you? by Emily Dickinson I’m Nobody! Who are you? Are you – Nobody – too? Then there’s a pair of us! Don’t tell! they’d advertise – you know! How dreary...

Old Ironsides

Old Ironsides by Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr

OLD IRONSIDES by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr This was the popular name by which the frigate Constitution was known. The poem was first printed in the Boston Daily Advertiser, at the time when it...

Robinson Crusoe 1927 Silent Film

Robinson Crusoe is a British silent film from 1927. The movie is based on the 1719 novel, Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, and features a shipwrecked man who lived for 28 years on a seemingly...

Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve...

King Arthur from Idylls of the King

Idylls of the King by Tennyson

Idylls of the King Index by Alfred, Lord Tennyson Flos Regum Arthurus (Joseph of Exeter) EIL Editor’s Note: Idylls of the King is a cycle of twelve narrative poems by the English poet Alfred,...