Tagged: history

The Renaissance

The Renaissance

by John Addington Symonds The Renaissance RENAISSANCE—The “Renaissance” or “Renascence” is a term used to indicate a well-known but indefinite space of time and a certain phase in the development of Europe. On the...

September Poems

September Poems

One of my favorite September poems is a story by Quaker poet, John Greenleaf Whittier. Barbara Frietchie by John Greenleaf Whittier (1807–1892) Up from the meadows rich with corn, Clear in the cool September...

Washington Irving, 1783-1859

Washington Irving Timeline

Washington Irving’s place in history This timeline documents major events and influences on Washington Irving’s life and work. It begins by outlining the events and publications in Irving’s life, then looks at American literature, visual...

Orwell hard at work in the winter of 1945

George Orwell Timeline by Steven Kreis

George Orwell, 1903-1950 From The History Guide by Dr. Steven Kreis | Resources | Chronology | Select Bibliography | Resources George Orwell (The Chestnut Tree Cafe) George Orwell George Orwell (O. Dag) George Orwell (Petri Liukkonen)...

In this black and white photograph, you can see Mount Kenya towering above the plains of the Kenya Colony.

History of Kenya by Bamber Gascoigne

History of Kenya From HistoryWorld by Bamber Gascoigne Masai and Kikuyu German-British carve up British East Africa Company East African Protectorate Kenya Colony Mau Mau Independence Masai and Kikuyu: to the 19th century In...

Steven Kreis History Guide Index

Steven Kreis History Guide Index

Lectures on Early Modern European History If you enjoy history, The History Guide site is well worth exploring. It is an outstanding site full of interesting articles, all written by a homeschool-friendly college professor,...

The Protestant Reformation by Steven Kreis

The Protestant Reformation Lecture 3: From The History Guide by Dr. Steven Kreis Arise, O Lord, and judge Thy cause. A wild boar has invaded Thy vineyard. Arise, O Peter, and consider the case...

"Wanderer above the sea of fog" by Charles David Friedrich, 1818, depicts a lone observer looking out over a fog-enshrouded landscape: a good example of the Romantic art style.

The Romantic Era by Steven Kreis

The Romantic Era Lecture 16: From The History Guide by Dr. Steven Kreis The categories which it has become customary to use in distinguishing and classifying “movements” in literature or philosophy and in describing...

Portrait of Girolamo Savonarola by Fra Bartolomeo

The Medieval Synthesis Under Attack by Steven Kreis

The Medieval Synthesis Under Attack Savonarola and the Protestant Reformation Lecture 5: From The History Guide by Dr. Steven Kreis The people of Florence are far from considering themselves ignorant and benighted, and yet Brother Girolamo...

Memoir as post-modern biography

Memoir as Post-Modern History

The Memoir as Post Modern History by Paul Gregory Alms I have spent the last 4 or 5 weeks reading memoirs. I don’t know why I’ve done this. I started reading one and, being...

Sara Selby Resources

Sara Selby Resources

Sara Selby has kindly shared the following resources with Excellence in Literature: Emily Brontë: A Biographical Sketch Wuthering Heights Family Trees Versification [Verse Structure Patterns] A Micro-History of the English Language *** These materials...

Roman Weapons Video

Roman Weapons Video

Conquest played a significant role in the creation of the Roman Empire. This was possible partly because the Roman military was a highly-disciplined and trained force, and their equipment was carefully planned and chosen....

A Micro-History of the English Language

A Micro-History of the English Language

A Micro-History of the English Language by Sara Selby In the family tree of world languages, English descends from the Indo-European branch, which can be traced to ca. 2500 BC. When the Romans arrived...

James Fenimore Cooper: Cambridge History

James Fenimore Cooper: Cambridge History

James Fenimore Cooper Cambridge History of American Literature (1917-1921), Book II, Chapter VI by Carl Van Doren James Fenimore Cooper: Youth, Naval Career Precaution The Spy The Pioneers The Pilot The Last of the...