Tagged: shakespeare

The Renaissance

The Renaissance

by John Addington Symonds The Renaissance RENAISSANCE—The “Renaissance” or “Renascence” is a term used to indicate a well-known but indefinite space of time and a certain phase in the development of Europe. On the...

Charles Lamb Biography

Charles Lamb, a British author and critic, is especially remembered for his Essays of Elia and Tales from Shakespeare, co-authored with his sister Mary.

April poems with a painting by Albert Gottscchalk

April Poems

April poems, spring poems — there are so many that it’s not easy to choose just a few to feature here. For now, I’ve chosen to offer just a few; we will add or...

Statue of Julius Caeser in Rome, Italy

Julius Caesar Video Resources

Shakespeare was, of course, a master of the written word. It’s precisely because of this, though, that people forget that much of his work was originally meant to be performed, not merely read. Sometimes...

King Lear video excerpt

King Lear video excerpt

When studying a play, you should always watch it rather than just reading the text. Better still, watch more than one version, then try acting out a few scenes with your family or class....

King Lear Video of Stage Performance

King Lear Video of Stage Performance

This King Lear stage clip includes the first 15 minutes of Trinity Theatre Company’s production of “King Lear”, directed by Francesca Gilpin and starring Michael Elliot in the title role. You can follow along...

Tchaikovsky’s Tempest Overture

Tchaikovsky and Shakespeare One of the most influential composers of the 19th century and the first Russian composer to achieve lasting international fame, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is best known today for his ballets Swan...

Level E4 Resource Updates

Level E4 Resource Updates

British Literature Updates Due to the ever-changing nature of the Internet, online resources sometimes move unexpectedly to new addresses. Here are the most recent updates for Level 4: British Literature. Remember, you can always type...

Caesar artwork

Caesar artwork

These works of art may help you visualize the setting and characters of Julius Caesar. Click on an image to see it in a larger size.

British Literature- Excellence in Literature: English 4 by Janice Campbell

Honors Texts for British Literature

Honors Texts for British Literature (E4) The Honors Track for British Literature is outlined in the study guide and involves additional reading and writing and an optional exam. Another way you can use the honors texts is if you’ve...

Honors Texts for Literature and Composition

Honors Texts for Literature and Composition

Honors Texts for Literature and Composition (E2) The Honors Track for Literature and Composition involves additional reading and writing, which is described in the study guide. Another way you can use the honors texts is if you’ve already read...

Introduction to Literature: English 1 from Excellence in Literature

Honors Texts for Introduction to Literature

The Honors Track for Introduction to Literature involves additional reading and writing, which is described in the study guide. Another way you can use the honors texts is if you’ve already read a focus text for...

Browning by Elliott and Fry

Caliban upon Setebos by Robert Browning

CALIBAN UPON SETEBOS OR, NATURAL THEOLOGY IN THE ISLAND by Robert Browning from Browning’s Shorter Poems: Selected and Edited by Franklin Baker, Professor of English in Teachers College, Columbia University. Fourth edition, The Macmillan...

Mark Antony’s Funeral Oration Video

Mark Antony’s Funeral Oration Video

Mark Antony – Funeral Oration from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar (Act III, Scene II) Performed by Nick Baldasare “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears . . .”. Is there anyone who hasn’t heard Mark...

Robert Browning Poetry

Robert Browning Poetry Robert Browning (1812-1889) was an English poet, known for his dramatic verse. Considered one of the foremost poets of the Victorian era, Browning was born the same year as Charles Dickens....