Virginia Woolf Resources
Virginia Woolf Resources

Virginia Woolf
by George Charles Beresford
platinum print, July 1902
(NPG P221)
© National Portrait Gallery, London
Creative Commons License
Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) was a Modernist writer who used the stream-of-consciousness technique, as seen in her novel To the Lighthouse. Here are a selection of resources you may find helpful in studying her work.
Kew Gardens, a short story by Virginia Woolf
If you’re reading To The Lighthouse, you may find this To the Lightouse study guide helpful.
Listen to Virginia Woolf’s voice in this BBC broadcast from 1937.
To learn more about this author’s life, look for Ruth Webb’s Virginia Woolf, part of the outstanding British Library Writers’ Lives series, or another middle-grade biography. (I have not found an adult biography of Woolf that I could recommend.)

T. S. Eliot; Virginia Woolf (née Stephen)
by Lady Ottoline Morrell
vintage snapshot print,
June 1924
(NPG Ax141646)
© National Portrait Gallery, London
Creative Commons License
About the photograph at right (click on the image for a closer view): T. S. Eliot and Virginia Woolf were friends for many years and influenced each other’s works. However, Woolf’s modernist sensibilities were shocked by Eliot’s conversion to Christianity.
When will you read Virginia Woolf’s writing in Excellence in Literature?
E4.9 Focus text: To the Lighthouse
This edition of To the Lighthouse features an introduction by Eudora Welty, whose short story “A Worn Path” was featured in Level 1 of Excellence in Literature. (All links to Amazon are affiliate links.)