The Vulture by Hilaire Belloc
In Hilaire Belloc’s humorous book of More Beasts (for Worse Children), a companion volume to The Bad Child’s Book of Beasts, you will find poetic descriptions of real and imaginary beasts. Many like “The Vulture” offer a tongue-in-cheek moral.
You can read more of Belloc’s funny poems in Cautionary Tales & Bad Child’s Book of Beasts from Dover Press.
The Vulture
The Vulture eats between his meals,
And that’s the reason why
He very, very rarely feels
As well as you and I.
His eye is dull, his head is bald,
His neck is growing thinner.
Oh! what a lesson for us all
To only eat at dinner!

The original cover of Cautionary Tales. Illustrator: Basil T. Blackwood Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Read other poetry by Hilaire Belloc.
“The Vulture” is in the public domain.